As I am writing this, my brother is singing some christian hymn with his earphones on, irritating the hell out of me, he is oblivious to my "Do you mind?" protestation. Ok, I am just being mean, it really isn't that irritating but I would much prefer the silence. So I turn on itunes, something from Snow Patrol's new album,
to drown him out.
In case some of you haven't heard, I have been posted to teach GP at a JC, which is kinda exciting but also a bit daunting. I am now on holidays for 2 weeks, if some of you are wondering why I am online till the wee hours of the morning, probably my last holiday as a student, well pseudo-student, since I am getting paid. 2 whole weeks off,free to do anything I want, a real luxury, Jamie's jealous as hell.
I am not proud to say, I spent the whole of last week playing computer games - Dota, Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11. Koei has finally wised up to release an English Version for the PC and I must say it's been an addiction trying to recreate ancient chinesee history.
Today, I finally broke out of the spell. I took a walk to the neighbourhood tailor to get my work pants made. 3 pairs for a $100. Very reasonable. Lately I have found that I would rather give my money to the smaller shops around my place rather than to some big department store or chain in town. I brought a camera out too, the Nikon D50 I got for my dad recently so the walk was longer than it would have been if it was just a trip to the tailor's.

13, 14 years ago, seems almost like yesterday, during those long carefree holiday days filled with adventure, filled with laughter, everything still looked fresh and novel, we were never bored; I was just like them, a "cowboy", on horseback, on my bike (Haro Shredder), or rollerblading (and then Simian, wheeling round to avoid an overzealous competitor goat, fell , and cracked a hole with his teeth on the cement floor of block 121) , around the wild west of the neighbourhood with my gang.
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