Thursday, June 29, 2006

I must be so tired. I came back home, stood outside the door, pressed the car remote, and tried to open the door. It didn't budge.

Went wakeboarding this morning or rather this afternoon. It was so fun. Although at first I almost gave up because I kept losing my balance. I think I am a slow learner initially, but once I get over the initial phase and catch up, I usually go faster than others(or so I think.)

I didn't dare straighten my arms for fear of dislocating my shoulder again. Well, the shoulder did come out on my third go, but it went back in as I fell into the water. (Kenny's shoulder came out too. So people with shoulder problems should not be put off trying, there is a way! ) We didn't give up and opting for another method whereby I locked my arms in an L, I was able after a couple of more tries to go around the circuit. It was so fun or should I say, uber fun. But also very tiring. My shoulder hurts now though.


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