I should be sleeping in this Good Friday morning, but my stomach woke me up, I am bloated with air, guess the food poisoning's still around :S Managed to transfer the remaining photos from the camera to the computer.

Night Safari last night, we had an incredible time!(most incredible for me) I totally left all the work-stress behind( but it's starting to creep in now). It must have been more than 10 years since my one and only time there, I think that was when Aunty Doreen was visiting from the States. We had free passes this time so we saved quite alot of money but considering the fun we had, it would have been worthwhile even if we had paid.

Alot of the animals were sleeping, the Tiger was curled up like a pussy cat and I think it was irritated by us voyeurs. We discovered that some people are afraid of Bats, while some people can't tell a monkey from a squirrel.
The highlight of our excursion was the animal show (1030pm), which we were almost late for. We ran most of the way from the Bat exhibit and you can see I was certainly dressed in the best running attire. But we got there in the nick of time, in fact they closed the gates after we got in. Why the animal show was the highlight,will be explained by the photo below.

Thanks to the 2 ladies who enthusiastically raised up up my hands when there was a call for macho men, I was called up on stage to have the python coil around me. I have coiled pythons around my neck before, most recently the bright green Ikea python which lives in the car but this python was 3 metres in length, it was really heavy! I was afraid my shoulder would not hold, but luckily it did. It could easily have constricted me if it so desired to. The python's body was dry and smooth, kinda like those JPG leather wallets, contrary to popular misperception of snakes being wet and slimy. For my efforts I was rewarded with a Ben and Jerry's Voucher, which we happily converted for an overdose of sugar.

Chase those Blues away! Labels: Night Safari