Sunday, March 29, 2009

Like thousands of other people in Singapore, and millions across the world, I voted Earth. The lights went off, from 8.30pm to 9.30pm last night. It wasn't bad. In fact, it was real good. Jaime came over to my place and we spent a romantic hour in the dark :)

Although merely a symbolic gesture, it shows more and more people are becoming aware of climate change and the danger it poses. I can only hope this awareness will translate into sustained action. We can all start with simple acts, like remembering to turn off the lights when we leave the room, or turning up the air-con by one or two degrees.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Now my feet won't touch the ground

Coldplay are as big as they get.And rightly so. I am sorry, Ah Shin, Monster, Stone, Guanyou, Masa, but you've been overtaken. Monday blues never looked this good. Thank you Chris Martin and gang for the best concert I've ever been to. I should have dragged Jaime with me kicking and screaming. She would have have thanked me at the end of it. I can't find a sufficient superlative to describe what a spectacle it was. We had already paid $191 but midway through those 2 magical hours, we were kicking ourselves for not shelling out $80 more for better seats. I suspect I'll be spamming their CDs for the rest of the week.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Every way you look at this, it looks like, the lovers are losing.

It was a peculiar evening which saw the start of peculiar quarrel that, even after a rainbow stretched itself across a peculiarly pink evening sky, refused to find a resolution.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Pinatubo, beauty after devastation and death.

Batteries recharged for another 2 months of battle.

Wage cut. Not unexpected given the severity of the economic downturn. I'm not too bothered. I am telling myself, reminding myself, how lucky I already am.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A Reminder......

At that moment, I couldn't put my finger on what was it I was feeling. I was appalled at their plight, horrified by the conditions, the grime, the dirt, the flies and yet for them, it wasn't pity that I felt. They were the poorest of the poor and yet, they had the widest truest smiles I had ever seen. I came home, looked through the photos I had taken, and then it struck me, that deep sense of foreboding I had felt, no it wasn't pity, I was ashamed at myself. In spite of all the privileges I have been born into, I am a lot of times, discontented. I need to learn to be happy with what I've got. I am glad I went to Payatas. The experience was a reminder, that we don't need a lot to be happy.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Leaving Stitch(& my cubicle) behind.

Finally a break. About time too. I have lost(almost) my voice!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Let the Right One In.

My girlfriend has good taste in movies. Next to Slumdog, the best movie I have enjoyed this year. In fact, this one has greater depth, and different layers of meaning. It runs a good few paces slower than Slumdog, but is equally engaging. Not once during the 2 hrs or so did i feel like it needed to hurry up and get to the point; the same cannot be said about Benjamin Button. A deep sense of dread builds up once you realize that the love between Eli and Oskar isn't as innocent as it seems to be on the surface/ or as Oskar believes it to be. That is all I am willing to give away. The only way I feel I can do justice to this masterpiece is to urge you all to go on down to the cinemas to see it for yourselves.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Dilemma. I am sick. I have been running a temperature the whole day. My joints ache, my chest is constricted, I need to spit out phlegm every 15 mins, and my head feels like it's been split by a thunderbolt. It's the kind of feeling you know will mean a 2-day MC, but I haven't gone to the doctor. I know I need to get well but I also feel that I need to go to school tomorrow. We are nearing the end the term and I want to finish the syllabus.

Friday, March 06, 2009

We Sing, We Dance, We Steal Things.

If money could buy happiness, this was one of the few exceptions. From the Remedy to a jazzy refreshing cover of Wonderwall, Noel wouldn't have approved of, the Curbside prophet, the irresistably charming soundmeister - Mr A-Z, ably backed by his super-band, got us all up on our feet and grooving to his guitar and crystal clear vocals. Once you've caught him live, you realize the CD's a poor substitute.

Monday, March 02, 2009

These are the little things that bring cheer to my mundane everyday workdays.Leaving school this evening after the rain, the longest rainbow I have ever seen was stretched out across the sky.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

A deluge to bring in March.

It's been a long while since it rained so much. Good weather to sleep in and recover ahead of another week of battles.