Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Growing Up.

Everyday, his condition seems to worsen a bit. I am still waiting for that miracle moment but I beginning to think it may not come. On Monday Jaime cried so hard, it was so painful to see. I had tears in my eyes seeing her so broken but I told myself I couldn't cry I had to be strong for her. This is something all of us will eventually have to face. It's somehow just too premature. It's tough, this, Growing up.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Lesson from a song.

身体和财富, 都是身外物.

都是借来, 完成短促的演出.

人类是租户, 爱却是礼物.

哪怕物归原主, 爱也不会结束

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Chiam See Tong fights on in spite of his stroke

Saw him on the chinese news tonight. He looked frail and spoke very slowly, his speech close to slurring. I am moved by his strength of belief, by his courage. This is someone who truly loves Singapore, beyond singing the national day song, kissing the flag.