Tuesday, December 31, 2013

I really really wish I could turn back time.

If I had a time machine, I'd go back to this moment. Give up everything to relive this moment.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Last Sunday.

一步步曾經 一步步想念 在腳下蔓延
在充滿你的回憶裡面 我獨自流浪海角天邊

一步步走過 當時心願

It's the last Sunday of the year. This was a rather eventful week. Completed my first calendar and got paid then another shoot with Su Chin's beautiful family which made me wonder what it could have been...

Friday, December 27, 2013

An elephant never forgets.

I have tried, but an elephant never forgets...

Monday, December 23, 2013

It's almost Christmas.

It's almost Christmas. And on Christmas it's the hardest when you miss someone.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Friday, December 20, 2013

I think I was a better teacher/person 2 years ago.

Birthday present from an ex-student.
Hello mr lim I'm currently doing a foundation course in London right now and I got my results ytd . 3 of my subjects are above 90% and my bio was 81% . Even though I've graduated from sr for over 2 year , I'm still reminded of the lessons you gave us . Seeing how supportive you were for your students this yr reminded me of how encouraging you were when we had our a lvls . I learnt many things from you and I believe the reason I managed to score was because of the lessons you used to give us . From the photos that you posted , I realized that it's never too late to chase after our dreams . After much effort , you've published coastline and you're now going on to work for SPH(I heard) , doing what you've always dreamed of . Even though I'll be entering uni 2 yrs later than my peers , I'm grateful that I'll be studying what I've always dreamt of studying rather than just settling( I'm reminded of the speech Steve jobs gave in Stanford that you shared with us each time I see this word) for what I was able to pursue . You used to tell us to not avoid mistakes and that we should embrace them. I never understood why or what that meant . However , in these 2yrs , I've experienced many failures and setbacks and I'm truly grateful for the pain I had to go through . Lastly , I'm reminded of what you told me during graduation day . You said that I've very supportive parents and I should never let them down . It was then that i realized I've been taking my parents for granted and I've lived my life disappointing them . Fortunately for me , I'm able to make them proud with my current results . This gratitude might have came too late but thank you mr lim for not sugar coating your words during lessons and for being such an inspirational teacher . Although you're no longer a teacher , i hope you'll still be able to inspire people thru your photos and essays . I wish you all the best in your future career and merry Christmas mr lim .

about an hr ago

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Celebrating our birthdays together again.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Places that whisper your name

Fireworks over Taman Sentosa. The crayfish brings to mind all those 3 years.

Monday, December 09, 2013


In a back alley somewhere in Little India last night, I ran into a group of helmeted riot police-men accompanied by plain clothes officers combing for rioters. It was such a surreal feeling. I froze for awhile, unsure of whether it was really happening. And missed the shot.

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Dashboard Belle

I think of you everytime I hear this. I know I will be thinking of you again tonight when they sing this.

Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Some things too precious

Cleared out my desk in the office today. 5 years of accumulation. Some things too precious - Jaime's last present to me for the Charlie Brown w fangs who hurt her so much.

Monday, December 02, 2013

Love all that I have lost.

The beauty of the human form and face vanish for ever in the course of our own lives, but their evanescence only lends them a fresh charm. A flower that blossoms only for a single night does not seem to us on that account less lovely. Nor can I understand any better why the beauty and perfection of a work of art or of an intellectual achievement should lose its worth because of its temporal limitation. A time may indeed come when the pictures and statues which we admire to-day will crumble to dust, or a race of men may follow us who no longer understand the works of our poets and thinkers, or a geological epoch may even arrive when all animate life upon the earth ceases; but since the value of all this beauty and perfection is determined only by its significance for our own emotional lives, it has no need to survive us and is therefore independent of absolute duration.

Sunday, December 01, 2013

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.