Monday, April 27, 2009

D700 Portrait - My Dota crazy brother.

Taking into account my recent 14-supper string of losses Grr, you would have to say that my brother here is the top dog at home in Dota. I need to shape up.


Sunday, April 26, 2009

On Lucy's suggestion, I set out with Cheeleong yesterday to photograph gravestones. It was an interesting albeit overly hot afternoon. Besides photographing them, I also took the time to read the inscriptions and they were enough to trigger off my imaginings of what life was like in those times.

Some of the inscriptions were quite moving.

We came to the grave of baby Sarkies. Reading the inscription left me with a lump in my throat.

C'est La Vie. Tragic, it has always been.

And this one is from way back, Axe and Storm at the zoo.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

D700 Portrait - My Mugger Sister.

If only all my students could be like her. My sister pores through her books into the wee hours of Saturday morning. I wake up at 8:10 am just as the sun's rays flood into the living room and lo! she is already up and into her routine.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

D700 Portrait - Our dear Aunt.

This is my dear aunt, my dad's sister, who brought us up while our parents were out working. Although we are all grown up now, she still comes everyday to cook for us.


Monday, April 20, 2009

Entering the FX era.

The D700 arrives.

In full frame glory.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


And I sold the d300 too.

Having to wake up early, at the very least, means I get to take photos of nice sunrises. This one here was the last photo taken on my 40x before it was sold. I am raising money to go full-frame if you know what that is. Anyway I think I am getting used to getting by with very little sleep. Four hours last night and I was up at 7 this morning(a saturday!) to invigilate a test. At least I got to see Jaime last night even if all we did was have ramen at Tampopo. But it was enjoyable nonetheless, the ramen was delicious and part of the fun was driving along and listening to Take That - Greatest Hits and trying to pick out which parts of the songs, were by Robbie, and which parts were by Gary (Barlow).

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Sunday at Lim Chu Kang.

Another year, another Qing Ming. I wonder how long more before the government reacquires the land and shifts my grandmother into a 'condominium'. My brother, sister and my cousin -the gay parrot, all of them Jesus-fans, no longer make the yearly trip.

I am pretty sure there's hyperinflation down there in the underworld.


Sunday, April 12, 2009

I have finally started doing something to address my fast expanding waist line. Last week, I bought a new pair of running shoes and I have begun a running regime to regain my fitness, lost to 3 months of sitting in front of a computer from 7am-7pm. On Wednesday, I went for a 7-minute non-stop cross terrain run, today it was 9 minutes. The next session it will be 12. Ultimately I hope to get to 30 minutes. It's going to be slow and agonizing, but I am counting on myself to be disciplined and determined. Rawr!

My girlfriend got me a new wallet. Nice?

Friday, April 10, 2009

Occupational Hazard.

I hate it how that, despite today being a public holiday, and even after I turned in only at 3am, I have already been up for an hour and a half.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

WoohooThey won!!! NUS - SR Nathan Soccer Challenge Cup 2009 Champions, the first university to lift the cup. Take that, NTU. I am proud of my brother - lamb of God. His piousness has paid off !

Sunday, April 05, 2009

My brother's getting ready for the biggest match of his life. The IVP finals - the first time in a long time NUS has made the finals. Tomorrow at 5:30pm, Republic Poly. President Nathan will be there as the guest of honour. I hope I manage to get off work on time. I want to be there to cheer them on!

Friday, April 03, 2009

I struggle to understand.....

Why does tiny Singapore need 2 Senior Ministers, 2 Deputy Prime Ministers, 1 Minister Mentor and 3 Ministers in the Prime Minister’s Office?

I have acquired a new bedtime routine. Fizzy 7Up mixed with a dash of fragrant mango Vodka.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Good night everyone.

* *

I followed the curve of the rebuilt canal, where they had forgotten to put up the street lamps, home. Peering
up into the heavens devoid of clouds, gazing back through time, I was able to make out so many tiny shimmering star specks, such a rarity in our over-lit country.