Am i suffering from mid life dyslexia? These days, I am finding the act of prose harder and harder. Where in the past, lines and lines flowed so easily, now I find I keep getting stuck at my choice of words. So many good thoughts, so many good ideas, and so many valuable reflections are lost because I fail to write them down. And once again, I am stuck, not knowing how else to continue.
I am excited about the latest module in my NAFA photography course - Product Photography. In the next 3 weeks, besides the photographing the products , we are also supposed to come up with the accompanying advertising concepts, to sell the product; to make the ad 'stick'. I have asked Lulu if he will lend me his Bearbrick collection to photograph.
We went through the work of the full time students, and some of the stuff on display was real high quality, stuff you see in magazines. It will be challeging but it will also be fun. I need to get my creative juices flowing.

Weiquan sprained his ankle yesterday at the Inter JC Teachers' Soccer Tournament. He limped off 5 minutes into his first game, after scoring a goal. A pity as I had been hoping to play against him. We came in 3rd after VJC and RJC.

And Miu2 seems to be putting on weight.