We will work it out.
if the sky falls on my head while i am chasing butterflies, so be it
every moment, every turning point, every romantic encounter in life, has been marked with a distinct song. our frailties, dreamy encounters and setbacks are always reflected with a soundtrack- a tune which brings us back, a button that allows us to freeze time and playback all those precious moments, good or bad.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Reunion Dinner 2010 (Photo Essay)
In a small kitchen, simple fare, a warm sense of family.

A change from previous years, this year, we had our reunion dinner at Uncle Robert's place, at Bedok Reservoir.

The usual spring cleaning debris under HDB blocks.

The proud grandfather shows us a photo of his grandson in the USA.

Tucking in to the spread. A picky eater, my food choices were limited to quail eggs, rice, and sliced beef with satay sauce.

Catching up on each other's lives.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Walas 01, 2010
It felt real good to be back at Walas. Such a long time away, since NUS days. The interior was unchanged, except that it's better now without the smoke. Ngak and his band were playing on a Wednesday night. From the first song of the first set, a rocking rendition of Coldplay's Yellow, specially for Nerine, we were hooked, all the way to the last song, Everyone Wants to Rule the World by Tears for Fears. Live music + alcohol on a weekday - potent medicine to beat the blues.
Monday, February 08, 2010
January Breeze
The old man of 98, lay on a couch in the living room with the old mahogany furniture and the flapping curtains. The caress of a January breeze; it almost felt like yesterday, 70 years before. In a rare moment of lucidity, he remembered. A different couch, red, velvety; his cat curled up between his legs, but the same January breeze lulling him to sleep.
Sunday, February 07, 2010
So it begins.
Collected 75 scripts last Friday to mark and grade by the end of next week. And so it begins.
Another year.
Another year.
As I was saying the other day, to a contract teacher, at times, this job can be extremely satisfying, especially when you get a letter like I did from a student last week, which ended off - "you are one cool teacher, not because of what you did with the class, but because you tried to understand us."
But I can't see myself in this job for longer than the remaining duration of my bond (the details I will not divulge here given the public nature of a blog).
And lightning comes and lightning goes
And it's all the same to me
Let it in
And it's all the same to me
Let it in
So goes the catchy chorus of Third Eye Blind's Bonfire, from their latest album URSA Major. I will need some music to tide me through to June.
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
French phrases.
Some common french words and phrases used in English.
a la carte : according to the menu
au naturel: food cooked in the simplest manner
avant garde: art or fashion produced most recently and conveying the newest artistic ideas
carte blanche: full freedom given to a person by his superior
creme de la creme: the very best
double entendre: a word or phrase which has a double meaning
elan: eagerness
faux pas: an error in social behavior
fait accompli: something that has happened which cannot be changed
joie de vivre: enjoying life
nouveau riche: newly rich
raison d'etre: reason for existing
rapprochement: two enemies coming together in reconciliation
sang-froid: great self control in a difficult situation
tete-a-tete : private conversation between two persons
tour de force: show of great skill or power
volte-face: complete change of one's point of view