Oh no not another camera! (Yashica EZ F521 Review)

I have just got my hands on a Yashica EZ F521, touted as the Digital Holga. I am not so sure about the Holga tag, but this tiny digital toy camera does have character. I dig it's retro design, and the fact that it's so very light; if like me, you are used to big Dslrs, you could say, it's almost weightless, which makes it extremely suitable for a carry everywhere camera.
I have dropped it once, when it slipped out of my pocket onto concrete floor, waist height. Nothing's broken, so you know it's more durable than it feels.
It's pretty sharp for what looks like plastic (albeit f2.8) lens. It has no manual controls, the white balance's dodgy, and it has, as far as I know, only one iso setting - 100. Compared to my F31fd compact, this one's a lemon, a Lada, but I am not about to sell it. In fact, I am taking it with me everyday to work, taking pictures. I can't explain why. It just has a quirky charm about it.
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