"So you said Good Night, but you meant Goodbye"
Went to Comex today with Dongting and there were ust so many attractive offers! Like the 37 " Samsung LCD TV for $1399 or $50 a month(that would make me invite everyone over to my place for soccer on saturdays) or Nelly's SLR, the Canon Eos 350D going at just $999, damn I wished I had started work a month ago. 3 mths of unemployment plus that ill-fated holiday down under has just drained my finances. Well at least I stuffed myself with 3 donuts from Donut Factory. I came home and used the scanner my brother had bought from the last Comex, for the first time, creating digital copies of my childhood photos.

The National Stadium, my favorite place, oh I miss those magical Malaysia Cup nights.
December birthday parties, how everyone has grown.
Playing catching during recess on the rocky little field behind the canteen, little buddies all of us, and finally my favorite photo in the album, Simian, I bet it will bring a smile to your face,
Me and Kozmus, the Painless Man.
I wish I could stop thinking of where she and him must be, on this Friday night.