I think it's really cool that my favorite band have got a song out on my favorite historical figure, Commandant 'Che' Guevara. You might argue that he has got alot of blood on his hands, but so do alot of other people, politicians the likes of Harry Truman with the atomic bombs , Deng Xiaoping and Tiananmen, JFK and the Bay of Pigs, and you don't even need to start on George W Bush. Some call him a hero, while others see him as a villain. To me, Che is an inspiration because he saw injustice in the social order of his time, rather than remain comfortable in his relatively privileged upper class position, he took up the struggle against all the odds, His life story symbolizes idealism and rebellion.
摩托車日記/ Motorcycle Diaries
Translated from Chinese
Hurtling Acrossing South America, across 12,000 miles of poverty
I ride on, driven by a moment's impulse
我騎著 狂妄的 一股衝動
Vast and boundless earth , yet I can’t see a way out
For the countless hungry children and hopeless tenant farmers
無垠的大地 種不出一個夢
只看到 那無數的 飢餓的孩子 和 絕望佃農
Ah, They are all waiting for a hero
Ah, with my revolver I take aim at the heartless sky
嗚 誰在等待英雄
嗚 我把左輪瞄準無情天空
Who’s willing to come with me, together we will create a legend
Do you dare to dream? Are you crazy enough?
Do you still have your youthful idealism
誰願意和我 一起寫一個傳說
你還夢不夢 瘋不瘋
還有沒有當初 浪漫溫柔
Who’s willing to come with me, to create a legend together
Even if they eliminate me
They can never take away our freedom to dream
誰願意和我 一起寫一個傳說
就算誰能 消滅了我
卻奪不走我們 作夢的自由
In a thousand years, a rainbow hasn’t appeared in the Indian skies
Unemployed old people are playing the banjo
Who is sleeping in the streets, and who lives in a royal palace
The diary is full of dreams, I decide to dedicate my life to the pursuit of them
印地斯的天空 千年沒有出現彩虹
失業的 老人在 彈著斑鳩
誰露宿在街頭 誰卻住在皇宮
日記上 寫滿了夢想 我決定要用 這一生背誦
Ah, who cares to shout for freedom
Ah, I use my life to challenge fate.
嗚 誰在呼喊自由
嗚 我用生命挑戰宿命宇宙